Saturday 15 December 2018


In almost every show after a person faces a devastating experience, they spiral into a depression so deep that it results in an unkempt appearance and house, half-eaten food strewn all over the place, not having bathed for days and weeks, non-stop crying and a stupor-like-Walking-Dead mannerism.

It is very rare that shows portray the highly-functioning depressed human. And in shows where they did portray the highly-functioning depressed human, the remark thrown at them would be this:

"But you don't look or act like you're depressed!"

Welcome to the world of dysthymia.

* "A person diagnosed with dysthymia would have been able to function in his day-to-day life, but never feel quite right. He would have reported feeling like he had been depressed all of his life or said he felt like he just barely managing to keep his head above water."

*taken from HERE

A person who has been diagnosed with dysthymia could have had a major depressive episode in his life. Once the major depressive episode was over, he would return to his chronic, low-level depression. The major depression episode when superimposed over dysthymia is called double depression.

Click on LINK to read about double depression.

**According to DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition), for a person to be diagnosed with dysthymia, he or she would be in a depressed mood most of the day, for more days than not, for at least two years with two or more persisting symptoms such as poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration or difficulty making decisions and feelings of hopelessness.

**taken from HERE

***11 Symptoms of Dysthymia

  1. Difficulty experiencing joy - Nothing brings you joy anymore.
  2. Relentless criticality of self and others - Can't turn off the negative wheel in the mind.
  3. Constant self-doubt
  4. Diminished energy - Getting through everyday feels like clawing up an icy mountain.
  5. Irritability or excessive anger
  6. Small things feels like huge things 
  7. Feelings of worry and guilt over past and future
  8. Relying on coping strategies more and MORE - In need of more and MORE extensive zone-out time to escape your life.
  9. Generalized sadness
  10. Seeking perfection - Striving for unrealistic demands to the point of beating yourself up when you fail.
  11. Inability to rest and slow down - Even after an exhausting day or days, you cannot rest or sit still. You must continue to work in any sense even in exhaustion. 
***taken from HERE

One who is suffering from dysthymia cannot just "will themselves out of it". Without getting the proper help, the symptoms will get worse. If one does not seek help to get treated, dysthymia can explode into major depression or major depressive episodes where it could cause harm to the physical health and also the psychological health. 

To understand more about dysthymia:

If you feel that this is you, do not hesitate or delay in getting professional help. You matter!


  1. Good god, that describes me pre-dietary changes! Interesting especially since I just wrote a post on depression. I disagree with seeking professional help as doctors are rarely helpful. They will prescribe anti-depressants with suicidal ideation side effects or expect talking will somehow alleviate their depression. I believe the reason people can't cope is due to substance abuse that prevents the brains from functioning properly. No amount of therapy is going to help someone who doesn't give up their addictions.

    1. Psychotherapy actually helps for people with dysthymia. It does not use medication.

  2. Hi is epipen still available in Malaysia and how much would that cost?

    Writing from my hospital bed in HUKM I can be contacted on whatsaWh 0182003004 as I am hospitalised due to peanut allergy that led to chronic asthma attack episode.

    1. Hope what I had spoken to you helped. All the best Haffiez!
