Wednesday 19 June 2013

Better Than Fries!

I saw this on Facebook sometime last week and thought that this is a very good idea.

Here's my low-salicylate version.


1. 5 old potatoes (skins scrubbed clean and cut thinly until almost all the way through)
2. Sea-salt
3. Sunflower oil


1. Preheat oven at 220C.

2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

3. Place the sliced potatoes on tray.

4. Sprinkle sea-salt and drizzle sunflower oil on potatoes liberally.

5. Place in oven and bake for 45 minutes.

Bon appétit!


  1. Yum. I wish I could eat potatoes. Some people think tin foil is very bad. You could use just oil on the pan.

    1. YIKES!!! I was in such a rush yesterday that I used the tin foil without even realising. I only realised AFTER you pointed it out. I thought I used the baking paper! DUH!!!!!!!!! Thanks! :)
