Monday 6 August 2012

Container Garden - An Update

More cherry tomatoes and okras!
Another juicy looking corn!
Once the corn plants all bore fruits, I chopped and cut the leaves and stems into smaller pieces to speed up the process of composting. 
My 1 1/2 year old lemon tree
Even MORE cherry tomatoes! This is the second tray. 
Red Spinach!
Look at the aphids sucking the life out of this corn plant. This plant did not fruit at all. 

Siu Pak Choy!
Another tomato tree!
Fruit rot! :(
Kitchen waste will be turned into compost! 
Choy Sum!
The Zinnia drying up. 

Today's harvest of Choy Sum, Red Spinach, Okras and Cherry Tomatoes!


  1. Nice work! Looks beautiful and healthy-yummy. Are those really cherry tomatoes? They look like grape tomatoes which is what I'm growing. I like them better because they are sweeter.

    1. Thanks! :) They label them as 'cherry tomatoes'. The way they label names in Malaysia, the name might as well be Timmy the tomatoes! :P

      Yes, they ARE very sweet!

  2. Replies
    1. Hehe... YUMM indeed! ;) Hope you're doing well. :)
