Friday, 17 May 2013

Totally Stressed Out!

A pipe has been leaking in the wet kitchen for awhile now. Water has been seeping out of the outer wall!!! The water bill even spiked to over RM100! The previous contractor-cum-plumber is an idiot. So was his boss. A straight-forward piping job was turned into a round-the-bush-hide-and-seek game. We couldn't figure out where the hell the water pipe was! It should have been an A to B route but it turned out to be A to T to Z and then B!

There was so much drilling and hacking and flooding in the wet kitchen today just to find that bloody pipe. I was super-duper-extremely stressed. And the kitchen is still flooded. And the amount of debris was frightening. Even with my thickest mask on, I could still smell the glue and cement and chemicals. Hubby was stuck at work. Parents are stuck at their place as their washing machine and dryer broke down (a second time!!). My mum said, 'When it rains, it pours!'

Thank god for this present supervisor who was recommended by my neighbour. They did her renovation. And they are reliable. And they helped me A LOT with rectifying the previous idiot's mistakes. Work will resume at 8 in the morning tomorrow.

Meanwhile the kitchen is still flooded. But hubby finally found the leak!!!!!  We can now see water running down from the pipe at one of the places the plumber had hacked in the afternoon.

The flooded kitchen with the cement mess and debris!
Fixing a new piping line. 
I think I should take up plumbing classes! HAHA!!


  1. oh how horrid! construction: the ultimate nightmare! and plumbing which is something I know I can't do. can you leave town until it's done? go to your vacation place by the ocean?

    1. Everything is fixed!!!! HALLELUJAH! Hahahaha! I have to keep an 'eagle-eye' on them. Make sure nothing else happens...

    2. Hooray! I've been worried about you. Yeah, keep that eagle eye on them. :)

    3. I also had to make sure the plumber stepped on a very wet cloth before he stepped into the house. Did not want cement dust to be floating and wafting all around the house!!!!!

      Thanks! :)

  2. Imy feel your pain. We had to have all new sewer lines last month. The glue triggered my symptoms as well. Too bad I can't send you my plumber who is excellent. I don't think he would travel that far. LOL

    1. Hahahaha! Yeah, a good contractor/plumber is very hard to find nowadays. Hope the smell is all gone now! Take care! :)
