Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Epi-Pen

I have used the Epi-Pen twice in these 34 months and it saved my life. Here's a video on how to use the Epi-Pen.

It is vital and crucial for people with anaphylaxis to be carrying these with them. I carry two with me at all times. Even when I am in the house. AT ALL TIMES!

Be safe, be prepared and do not hesitate to use it when you're having a reaction. It will buy you time to get help. Trust me, it saved me.

For more information on the Epi-Pen, you can visit this web-site:


  1. You don't know how happy I am to have found you...found this blog. I am 45 year old single mother to a seven year old girl. In 2009, I suffered a reaction to penncillin that landed me in the hospital with what felt like my throat slowly swelling and I couldn't breath. I had to take my daughter with me to the ER at 1am. Since then, I became allergic to almost everything and anything. No doctor could help me. I did have extensive allergy testing done which helped a bit...but it was through my own research and determination that I found out I had a salicylate sensitivity. I was okay for the past few years, but this I am under serious stress...and as a result of a "vegan diet," I find I am feeling sick again with the symptoms of throat swelling and serious asthma. I have been on prednisone for the past month and am just beginning salicylate/chemical free again today. I am scared, but your blog has inspired me and gives me hope. You are so fearless. You are such a blessing. Thank you!!!

    1. Hi! I am glad that I have another friend who is in the same boat as I am. Did you see an allergist? Prednisolone is a nightmare. It caused severe gastritis for me. And the reflux was awful. I was so bloated. I had terrible skin breakout and horrible depression and mood swing. My digestive system suffered a serious beating from the steroids.

      I am scared too. But after what I have been through, I guess it would an irony if I were to live with fear. Allowing fear and death to control my life after beating death would be tragic. I have bad days. I have days of severe depression. I have very difficult days. But I take a second at a time and move on. It's not easy being us in our lives, but it has been a journey of discovery and awakening and breakthroughs which I would never could have had if I had not gone through what I went through.

      You are an even stronger woman being a single mom. I salute you! Keep on fighting. We'll fight this together.
