Monday, 12 November 2012

Container Garden - A Drowning Update

Rain. Everyday. Let me rephrase that. Storms. Every single day. Howling winds. Torrential downpours. Hence, the garden drowned and died.

Look at all the WEEDS!!
I have my very own special escargot farm right at my doorstep! HAHA!
Planted these spring onions for my mom. She loves them!
I found these round, crunchy spheres in the garden. I knew they were eggs but did not know whose eggs  they were. And I had goosebumps thinking that it could be some reptile lurking somewhere in the pots! HAHA! I crushed all of them with the spade not knowing that there was another group of them in another pot. Below are the 'creatures' that emerged from the eggs! 

I planted some organic leeks cutting and they started growing overnight. I hope they will survive and thrive. I placed this pot under the shade.

Waterlogged everyday after the storms. Nothing can survive... It's 'close shop time' for the garden. We'll see you next year!
Well, everything is 'closed shop' except for these two!!! Joel called them the 'Wedding Snails'! LOL!
And of course, Terry the Toad!