Monday 27 February 2012

The Battle of Conquering Ourselves

Buddha once said that it is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

What does conquer mean? Again conquer is a verb. It could mean:

1. To acquire by force of arms; to win in war.

2. To overcome by force or to subdue.

3. To gain, to win or obtain by personal effort.

4. To gain a victory over, surmount, master, overcome.

In our situation, people with Idiopathic Anaphylaxis, life as we all know is a daily battle. We can never forecast what will set us off. For me it is salicylates and chemicals. There are all sorts of chemicals! Even our body produces chemicals!!! So how do I define what sets me off and what does not? One day I do not react to the smell of cabbage being cooked (and that is organic cabbage, mind you) and the next round, I am feeling sick and nauseated like a pregnant woman pumped up with Duphaston (hormones) and a migraine from hell which makes me feel like my head is going to erupt like Mount St. Helen. And that is only cabbage! And I am supposed to conquer myself??!! I can't even conquer the pain and my bowels!

I think conquering can be equated to the daily trudge up the steep Idiopathic Anaphylaxis mountain. You claw your way up even though you know your hands are at the risk of frostbite. Reaching the peak is your ultimate goal and bleeding and broken fingers is not going to stop you from your arduous journey.

I think conquering can be equated to getting on a horse for the first time and learning to ride with the flow even though you know that your behind is going to be so sore the next day to the point that you can hardly walk. Reaching your destination is the ultimate goal in your life.

I think conquering can be equated to fighting IA and moving on attack after attack. It would mean that I have surmounted my struggles.

I think conquering can be equated to taking breaks or having rest stops to refuel, recharge and regain my energy and fighting spirit.

I think conquering can be equated to disallowing fear to rule my life and dictate my motives and actions.

I think conquering can be equated to living my life to the best that I can even with my setbacks and even to the point of having the quality of life.

And I think conquering can be equated to living my life in a happy, peaceful, grateful and serene state as much as possible to the end of my days.

Hence, by conquering oneself,  I, you and we would have won a thousand battles.

35 months ago was the day I met Death.


  1. Great post! I love the quote at the beginning - I'm going to write that down and keep it close by.

  2. i'm actually allergy to cabbage for some reason- it makes my lips swollen and really uncomfortable...

    i like the last bit the most "Hence, by conquering oneself, I, you and we would have won a thousand battles"

    go go evelyn!

    1. You never mentioned that you were allergic to anything all these while! Better stay safe and avoid cabbage then.

      Thanks Lily. You move on too!!

  3. The Multiple Chemical Survivor29 February 2012 at 09:03

    I once read depression is self-anger and I've discussed this concept with many friends and acquaintances who believe this. Their anger is focused inward. They blame themselves for their situation, condition or health problem.

    I've never felt this way. My anger is OUTWARD. I blame others. Self-centered, lazy people who have poisoned the environment with their ignorant beliefs and practices. I would like to conquer the stupidity of others so that we may live in a toxic-free world.

    I think I need to change my name to The Anger Management Candidate. hahaha

    1. I have given up on being angry. Don't want to die prematurely from heart attack or high-blood pressure (although low-blood pressure is no fun either)! It is pointless to be angry as greed knows no bounds. And when there is greed, problems will be never-ending!

      Anger Management Candidate? Which one? Adam Sandler or Jack Nicholson? :P

    2. I definitely understand what you are saying. My reasoning is do I want to die of a heart attack or suicide? Besides it feels better to be angry than depressed. I have no desire to blame myself so I don't have to conquer myself. I could probably set about conquering my anger, but actually, I like it. It makes me feel alive in a life of isolation. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't be experiencing a whole lot of anything.

    3. I personally would like to focus my energy on getting better and staying healthy. Of course I have phases where I am so bloody cranky that no one wants to come near me.

      It is worth it because of this, it made me realize and see life in a different way. Let's just say the scales have fallen off my eyes. Thus, I have become alive.
