Thursday, 25 October 2012

The Yummiest Home-Baked Chicken!

* Chicken skin contain amines. If you are sensitive to amines, it would be better to remove the skin.


1. 4 large chicken drumsticks/thighs (with skins)
2. Organic all-purpose flour or organic plain flour
3. 1 teaspoon of sea-salt
4. Baking paper
5. Baking tray


1. Wash the chicken drumsticks/thighs thoroughly.

2. Line the baking tray with a piece of baking paper.

3. Preheat oven at 220C.

4. Sprinkle the sea-salt and about 1/4 cup of flour onto the tray.

5. Mix the flour and salt and rub the mixture onto the chicken parts liberally. Make sure that there is a coating of flour and sea-salt all over the chicken. This coating will make the chicken skin crunchier.

6. For the first 1/2 hour, bake the chickens undersides exposed (skin parts on the tray).

7. For the remaining 1/2 hour, bake the chicken parts with the skins exposed.

8. Allow to cool before serving.

Bon appétit!

I had the chicken with fried egg and stir-fried choy sum veggie with garlic.
Boiled some barley too!