Sunday, 7 October 2012

This the Season to Be Cranky...


The virus had been spreading its unseen hand all over the school. Kids had been falling sick and even the people in the cafeteria have succumbed to it. Little boy contracted the virus on Thursday and was sick, at home for two days. Things have been looking good!

Until TODAY!

The daddy had severe food poisoning which required a visit to the ER. He had to be on a drip as he almost passed out. Blood tests showed that he has a bacterial infection which requires TWO different types of antibiotics.

Do keep us (especially me) in your positive thoughts and prayers as I will be traveling about 100 kilometers everyday as hubby is now flat on his back in bed. I am very tired and exhausted. And cranky. And irritated. And tired. And Tired. And TIRED!! And little boy will be having his final exams the whole of this week!!

I do hope that the disrupted sleep every night will give me a break and allow me to sleep in deep slumber every single night!

Thank god for my parents!


  1. Sorry to hear this. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I understand cranky and tired. I have been feeling the same. I am back to a packed schedule...full-time high school teaching, full-time single parenting. Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed at the end of the day, it is difficult to sleep. And then my allergies keep me up all night...swelling off and on and breathing issues, as usual. I am going to try Melatonin again for the sleep and more meditation. Many of my spiritual practices have fallen away since school started up for the both of us in September. My daughter wanted to change schools. Now she is in a private school that gives about five tests on average per week. I'm bleary eyed. So glad to be able to touch base with you. I've missed you...and keeping you all in my prayers. Be well. Peace & Love, Cyndy

    1. Thanks Cyndy! Much appreciated. You stay strong too! :) Hope that you will be ab

    2. ... Hope that you'll be able to find the time to meditate and rest.

  2. Good lord! Where did daddy get food poisoning???

    Take care! Stay strong!

    1. It was either the pork from the restaurant which he had for lunch with his colleagues or the moon cake he had on Saturday!
